Ella woke up at 3:30am-HUNGRY! I got smart and am keeping Goldfish crackers by the bed. She ate them every hour until I got up and made french toast. She was in a really good mood all day, and her stomach wasn't upset at all, so we decided to go pick up Josh in Wisconsin at Grandma and Grandpa's house. The car ride was easy and she watched Bolt. Ella's cousins live across the street from her grandparents, so I also thought it would be good for her spirit to see them and for them to see her, and know that she will be okay.
We got good news today! Ellas blast cells(bad cells) were under 5% AND she has the genetic mutation that puts her in the right category to be a rapid responder to the chemo. There is only one more marker to go before she is offically in that category- and that is what we are hoping for. Yea God!
Tonight her tummy was upset, but she fell asleep without getting sick- for the first time in 3 days. We go to chemo again on Thursday.
When this first happened, I asked God Why? I questioned why he would choose this for my child. If God has a plan for everyone, then why would he put this into my daughters plan? I remember when I was pregnant with her. It wasn't an easy pregnancy. I was in the Dr.'s office many times so she could be monitored. I remember one morning I was in the shower and I felt like something wasn't right. I got down on my knees in the shower to pray. I cried and prayed that she would be healthy and happy. I know she is happy and I trust that he will make her healthy again. I have to have this faith.
This is her "Cancer Stinks" pose!
PRAISE GOD!!!! Love this! Gotta love it, love it, love it!