My Prayer today for my daughter.
Dear Father, please hold my child today.
Be with her this morning when she can't eat.
Be with her when she is nervous on the way to the hospital.
Be with her when she is anxious because she knows when they call her name, she has to go through the doors that start her chemo.
Calm her while she is anxious as they take her weight, height and the squeezie takes her blood pressure.
Hug her as we walk in to see the nurses who treat her and try not to fall in love with her, because they are afraid of losing her too.
Hold us both as she sits on my lap and I hold her as they put the needle in her chest.
Be with nurses who do this procedure.
Thank you for the nurses who do this and then crack jokes at each other all morning in love.
Be with her as she anxiously waits for her blood tests to come back.
Thank you for her grandparents who keep her occupied and smiling during the waiting times.
Be with the doctor who will examine her today, please guide their hands and their heart.
Thank you for the doctors that treats my child's body and spirit.
Thank you for the craft lady that adds another distraction while Ella is waiting for her spinal.
Be with her as she sits on the table waiting for her spinal.
Be with her as the inject her with drugs.
Hold her still while they take spinal fluid to be tested.
Please do not let there be any cancer in her spinal fluid.
Be with her as chemo is injected into her spinal fluid and we watch as the fluid drips on the table.
Please hold her as she comes out of the medicine and begins to wake up.
Please be with the nurse who watches her today to make sure she comes out of it okay.
Please be with her as the administer chemo through her port.
Please be with the doctors that test her spinal fluid, don't let them miss anything.
Please let her feel the love of her family and friends that are praying for her today.
Please let her be happy
Please let her be cancer free.