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Sunday, November 4, 2012

We are here!


Our team made it safely to Haiti on Saturday! 
Our flight out of O'Hare had technical "difficulties", and we were deplaned and put on another plane a few hours later.  This only gave u a few hours till our next plane, so instead of going to a hotel we spent the night in the airport.  This actually turned out to be a blessing.  The hotel refunded all of our money and it made up the difference for the amount of money we were short from shopping for supplies for SonLight!
On Saturday we took a tour of the beautiful new Son Center.  This worship center was built by volunteers and is an incredible facility were the Haitians gather to learn about God on Sundays.  After our tour we went back to our rooms to get settled and wash up.  We enjoyed a meal and worship time on the roof of the school.

On Sunday, we had the opportunity to attend Sunday School and go to service in creole.  Then we learned our assignments for the week and went for a hike through the city of Port De Paix.  I wish I had enough time to give you all the details of that journey. All I can say is that every picture you have seen on TV that every picture that you see on TV that pull on your heart strings is true.  there were pigs and dogs roaming the streets looking for food and water.  Kids had no pants and ran around in their underware.  Garbage is everywhere.  There are no police roaming the street to keep you safe.  Kids come to school with no food to eat.  It makes you wish you could do more, whatever it is- just more.

Bus we took to the small airport to get to Port DePaix

Small airplane to Port DePaix

Sleeping at the airport
Tonight we will be worshiping together and preparing our hearts for serving tomorrow.
Hotel where we are staying- Holiday Hotel
Please continue to pray for our safety and that our hearts will be willing and open to hearing what he needs us to do why we are here.

Blessings~The Team

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