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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 158- The Storm

Well, Thank God, we had power all night long. Everyone slept in our room last night and listened to the wind bang against the windows. The snow looks so cool! I took our dog for a walk and she had so much fun. This was the only time I left Ella's side today.

Ella stayed in our bed until 5pm, then moved down to the couch. She is really tired and sat slumped when she did have the energy to sit up. We played Barbies in bed and read more Rainbow Fairy books. She has a lot of meds in her right now and we really have to stay on top of the anti-nausea medication. They warned us that once it starts it is really hard to get it to stop long enough to keep the anti-nausea medication down. She ate very little and we doing our best to keep her hydrated.

Hanging in there.


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