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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Clinic- March 6th, 2011

Waiting for chemo in the super hot waiting area.

How can this beautiful face have Cancer?

Ella had what we expected to be an easy clinic visit. We picked up Aunt Carrieat 8:30am and made it to clinic a few minutes before 9. Everything was running smoothly....was is the key word there.  She got called back at 9:27 to pull blood, spent 5 minutes with the doctor, then didn't get chemo until 12:20. To rub a little salt in the wound, the thermostat in the waiting area read 91 degrees! The room is a wall of windows and it was a really sunny day for March. When we did finally get called in the back, we were the only ones there. I was fuming, so it was a good thing Carrie was there. She kept Ella laughing and distracted.
Ella waiting for Dr. Manera
Her ANC is 1200 and her weight went up to 48 pounds plus she grew another 1/4 inch. All good, but they had to increase her chemo because her body mass changed.  Steroids are already hitting her hard and she couldn't sleep last night. She missed 1/2 a day of school this morning to catch up on sleep a little, but that's okay. I did a photo session while she rested then took her to school.

Side note. Steve's cousin had a baby in December and baby Ezra was just diagnosed with Tuberous Sclerosis. This causes life threatening seizures and the medication to control them can cause brain damage and damage this poor babies other organs. Please pray for Ezra and his family. 

It seems like I hear about a new child being diagnosed with a life threatening disease every week. It just breaks my heart a little more each time. This is where our faith is tested. God has a plan for everyone, it is just hard to understand how a good plan can start with a child going through so much suffering.



  1. Oh. That sweet face. Such a sweet sweet face!

  2. Argh - what is with the wait? So unfair to Ella; I'm sure sweltering in a doctor's office waiting room is the last thing she wants to be doing. The good thing is you are almost done!! Prayers for Ezra, what a nightmare for the parents. White light heading Ezra's way.
