I know this is late, but I am grateful to say we have been happy doing life!
Ella celebrated her 8th birthday with a Mad Hatter themed birthday party. Her girlfriends came in their party dresses and sat for tea. Tea was mostly lemonade and chocolate milk, but that's okay!
They had a blast.
We added a new member to out family:

This is Mika. She was rescued from a shelter in Tennessee with her 5 puppies. Her pups were all adopted and we got the best dog and companion.
Ella is enjoying her summer. She has 4 different camps this summer and can be found snuggling in her down time. I love this time of year. Josh has started to ride his bike throughout the neighborhood with friends, and rides next to Steve on his morning run. Ella and Josh are so luck to have this amazing group of friends in our neighborhood that are always around to play with.
Cool Update:
If you read my post about Ella's ENT- here is a cool "God Thing" update. I was asking why. Why does this happen? So when we got home from that ENT visit, Ella took one of her bald pictures and wrote on the back "If I can kick cancers butt- so can you!". She put it in a card and when she went in again gave it to the doctor to give to his son. When Ella went in after her surgery a month or so later- she had a card from the ENT's son. It was a very nice card saying how much her picture meant and a gift card to come to his restaurant in Chicago and have dinner and meet him. So, this past week, we went to Chicago, had dinner on the river and met Mark- a cancer survivor. He said Ella's picture and card came right at a time when he felt he couldn't do it anymore- it was perfect timing- God's perfect timing. Pretty cool hu?!!!
We are hosting a Kid Olympics next weekend and really looking forward to it! I pray you are all having an amazing summer.