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Wednesday, August 14, 2013


So, I believe this is the first time EVER, but I cancelled Ella's clinic appointment and re-scheduled it for almost 2 weeks later.  Ella attended a local Theater camp and I didn't want her to miss a day.  In the back of my mind, I kept waiting for the doctor to call me and yell at me for changing it, but they never did!  Then, they went to grandma and Grandpa's for a few days of spoiling and attention that I am so grateful they get! Seeing how much they love their grandparents often reminds me of how much I love mine, and often wish they were still here to talk to. I took this shot at a rest stop on the drive up to Wisconsin.
I also love how much these two love each other!

So, clinic went well.  Ella's counts are looking good.  She is looking good and we continue to pray and monitor every little  ache and pain she has.  For the most part, she is just such a happy kid!  This past weekend, we held a Kid Olympics in our backyard with a bunch of neighborhood kids and friends.
It was a big hit.  We had 10 events and included a 3-legged race with the adults and a mom vs. dad tug of war.  We ended the night with a movie in our backyard, popcorn, and lots of blinkie lights.  I've said it before, and I'll say it again- I love our friends!
Enjoy the rest of your summer! We are!