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Wednesday, July 3, 2013


It feels like a time of loss in my life.  In the sign wave of life, I feel like there are different sections of ups and downs.  This is a loss time for me.  Today I had to say good-bye to my cat Cole.  A 17 year companion for me.
I don't know if you are a cat person or a dog person, most people seem to choose a side, but Cole was as close to both as he could get.  When he was younger, he would bring me the string he liked to play with and drop it at my feet.  He knew the sound of my Jeep and he would always be waiting for me at the door when I got home.  He also had this keen sense that I was sad and whenever the tears were falling, he would be by my side.  But, he was still a cat at heart. Very independent and purred louder than an airplane!  Losing another part of our family is so difficult.  Death, is not my friend.  It makes me feel uncomfortable and my heart feels a little bit emptier.  I know that we should be a peace knowing that there is a better life than here, but it is hard.  Faith, at times, can be a hard thing.  I like to believe that both Kailee (our dog that passed in October 2012) and Cole are in God's Animal Kingdom.  I hope that right now Kailee is trying to play with Cole and Cole is telling him to back off.

Ella had clinic on Tuesday.  It was a long clinic because things were not going well on the floor- which usually means kids are getting sicker or kids are not making it. When Ella's doctor came in she had a smile on her face, but I could tell that the smile on her heart had been wiped away.  This is why, this is why WE NEED A CURE!  Please, please consider walking with us, or supporting Ella in her fund raising efforts this year.  Our team name is:  Kiddos Kickin’ Cancer – RMCH.  Ella's Personal Page is: Ella Grace- Cure Search.  We have only raised $20,000 and we are trying to raise $300,000.  Kids are not treated the same as adults.  Every fundraiser I hear is for adult cancers.  Even the Relay for Life- less than 5% of the funds raised go towards Childhood Cancers.  CureSearch is the only local walk for the kids. Please consider this very family friendly walk, and maybe we can help there be less bad days on the children's floor of the hospital.




I would just like to add that I think Relay for Life/American Cancer Society does a wonderful job.  My family and friends walk this walk each year in support of Ella's Aunt Carrie and Ella.  My comments were only to support Cure Search and Ella and not to minimize the Relay for Life/ACS. I have updated my link to show The Relay's most current data. 