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Monday, February 20, 2012

Reflecting and Wishes

Steve and I were reflecting on this journey last night as we met with Ella's Make A Wish granters. It is hard to realize just what you are going through sometimes- you just do what you have to do to get through it. This is the video from our One Year Journey- modified from before.

Ella has asked for a Disney Cruise as her Make A Wish Trip. We are looking at going when she has completed chemo and has her port removed.  Her trip will either be at the end of this year, or next May around her 7th birthday. It is really a special gift to be able to enjoy time as a family with no cancer worries. I am really looking forward to that day.

If you have ever made a donation to Make A Wish, THANK YOU! We are very grateful for your generosity.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ella and her Dada sporting their poutty faces during recovery.

Ella had Clinic yesterday. It was a big clinic day and Ella had a spinal procedure and chemo. If you have read these post before, you know that spinal day is not her favorite. She knows she can not have anything to eat or drink until after the procedure and that she has to get a needle in her back. This time the night before clinic, she started asking me all kinds of questions that she hasn't really asked before. She wanted to know why they had to put the needle in her back instead of her port. She asked why it mattered if she ate, and why I have 4 eyes when she is done (while she is in recovery and the drugs are wearing off).  All valid questions that I guess I should have known she would ask sooner than later.

Daddy went with us to clinic today, which was such a special treat.  Her spinal didn't go as smoothly as it usually does. It took the Dr. some time to get the needle into her spine. Thank God for drugs. I always cry when she is done with the spinal. I also said a prayer during the procedure. Something about watching her spinal fluid drip into the tube....It is just too much. It also worries me that she was off chemo for over 3 weeks while she was in the hospital last month. I can't help but worry that any break in chemo gives the ALL cells a chance to grow. I know that it shouldn't, but hey- I'm her mom and it is my job to worry!

Her back was pretty sore last night, and she had a hard time sleeping. Also the steroids kicked in and she was wide awake from those. Lack of sleep combined with back pain kept her home from school today, but she is already better and has left me wondering if she should have gone today!

Only 2 more spinals and 1 more bone marrow aspiration left for Ella. This sounds so much better than 262 days left of chemo. We are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I am really elated!  We got a call from Make A Wish yesterday and they are beginning to plan for Ella's trip. They will be coming to the house soon to interview her and see what she would like to do. She has big plans and 3 different ideas. So, we will see which one she chooses.

Ella's thoughts on not being able to eat or drink today.

Thank you all for your prayers and for following us during this journey.


Monday, February 6, 2012

Sunday February 5th, 2012

It's Super Bowl Sunday and I liked this little performance the best!

Ella Dancing

Clinic this Tuesday complete with Spinal and chemo.
