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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tuesday October 18th, 2011-It's a GOD thing.

Ella's clinic visit on went well. Her ANC was 1800 and she grew another 1/4 inch! Every month she grows 1/4 inch. She was happy that her favorite nurse accessed her port and she stayed in a good mood the entire time. She was pretty excited that Grandma and Grandpa got to go with this time and that a trip to Build a Bear was planned out in detail. I hate to say it, but she is doing really well.
I think she likes school, but she will never admit it to me. She has a mini-meltdown every morning, but is smiling before they get down the street. When I went on the field trip with her class, she was holding hands with other kids and playing. It was really cool as a parent to have the opportunity to see her interact with new kids, and just be happy.  I took these shots of the kids last week. Just some fun fall pictures.

While we were taking pictures at the forest preserve, we saw a group of horseback riders gathered with their horses. Ella and I walked closer to them to look at the horses. All horses that are brown she names "Chocolate" and all white ones she names "Vanilla". This is similar to many of her build a bear names. While we were admiring a "Chocolate" the owner came over and asked if Ella would like to feed the horse an apple. Usually when strangers (and even sometimes friends) approach, she shies away. This time she was like "Yea Yea!". So the owner let Ella feed Chocolate (Dusty) an apple. Then she offered to take Ella for a ride. My shy girl hopped on that horse and did 4 laps without me. When they were done, I thanked the owner and asked her if she rode in this area often. She said in fact no, this was the first time she had been out since April since she lost her father. I told her how sorry I was that she lost him and asked her how he passed. She replied "He had Cancer". I told her he must be close by, because Ella has cancer too and he must have known she wanted to see the horses.

 Now that HAS to be a GOD thing!

Thanks for keeping up with us!  Ella only has 1 year left of Chemo now! I can see Homer Simpson dancing in my head going Woohooo !!!!