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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday June, 28th 2011- Whining, Walkers and Warriors

Well for all the complaining and whining I heard from Ella about not wanting to start school, she actually likes it! I wouldn't say love, but definitely like. She made 2 friends right away and by day 2 was looking forward to going the next day. When we got to school for orientation, all I could think was "which one of these kids is going to get Ella sick?". On day 2 I got a call from the principal that one of the girls Ella was playing with was sent home with a 102 degree fever and stomach pain. I held my breath when she said 2 more kids got sent home too, but Ella never got sick- she was totally fine. So far school is going well.

This beautiful group of people represent the "Cancer Butt Kickers Team" at the Rely for Life. They either walked, or were support for our group. I am proud to say that our group was one of two that actually walked all night. At one point around 3 am there were only 12 people on the field- and 6 of them were from our team! Also a huge THANK YOU to everyone that support The Relay financially. We had 3 surprise supporters from Noah's Warrior's that joined us to walk in memory of Noah- which was awesome. Becky and Will lost Noah in April and I was honored to have his family hang out with us during the Relay.

Ella had clinic and chemo today. This was the first time it was just the 2 of us at clinic. Her counts were ok. Her liver function is elevated at 8 times the normal function, but has a great capacity to repair itself. So, we watch and wait. Her white count was low too, but good enough to get chemo. Today, she was very brave at clinic. She didn't cry, and at the end she cracked a few smiles and told her favorite nurses all about her sticky feet. Tomorrow, she goes back to school!

We were able to go spend a few days in Wisconsin with family and take our family photos for the year. We went to Devils Lake which is one of our favorite spots. That is where Steve proposed and his family lives 4 minutes from the park.  When I first looked at the photos, I thought the background was so beautiful- it didn't look real, but it is! Here is the one we all voted as our favorite.
Yes, silly faces. Enjoy your summer. Thank you all for continued prayers and comments.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tuesday June 7th, 2011

Sorry I am late in posting. Things are getting busier now that summer is here. Josh still has school until the end of next week, and he is desperately waiting for his summer vacation to begin. The week following that, Ella will begin Kindergarten readiness camp. Her school requires 2 full weeks of full day school to make sure the kids are ready for Kindergarten and to see where they are emotionally and scholastically. So far I am so happy with the school. they are really doing everything in their power to make sure Ella has a positive environment and experience at school. I feel like she will be in good hands, but I know she is scared. She won't know anyone and will be leaving her comfort zone for a totally new environment. I'm nervous for her and doing my best not to let it show to her, and to try to get her excited about the fun things she will be doing. I will keep you posted on how that goes.

Ella did better towards the end of the week. she didn't vomit after clinic and her tiredness only lasted a few days. Knock on wood, she is doing really well. As I type these words she comes running out of her room crying....ahhh.  I think we are going to go down to once a month here on the blog, unless there is something going on that we would like to share. Hopefully it will be only good and positive information.
Thank you all again for your support during this journey. I can tell you from my point of view, that just feeling like someone is listening when you need to say something (or reading), is so therapeutic.  It helps you to feel like you are not alone, like others are on your journey and standing by your side. So thank you to the friends I know, and to the ones I have never met. Since Ella was diagnosed, this blog has been read almost 30,000 times. That's like 30,000 hugs and prayers. The gratitude in my heart is overflowing and words say quiet how I feel.

Here is the link for the Relay for Life
and here is the link for the Cure Search that our entire family will be doing in September.
